Blechdosenfackeln & Flammschalen

Genau das richtige für einen schönen Sommerabend: Unser Sortiment an Blechdosenfackeln sowie Flammschalen.

Nachhaltige und ökologische Wachse

Große Auswahl verschiedener natürlicher Wachse, wie Sojawachs, Rapswachs und Sonnenblumenwachs.

Kerzen in Gläsern

Kerzen aus Rapswachs oder Gelwachs im Glas, zu günstigen Staffelpreisen.

Blechdosenfackeln & Flammschalen

Genau das richtige für einen schönen Sommerabend: Unser Sortiment an Blechdosenfackeln sowie Flammschalen.

Bienenwachswaben zum selber Rollen

Viele unterschiedliche Größen, inklusive Docht. Geeignet als Mailingbeilage oder zum Basteln.



Tradition & Quality

Since 1987, we have offered a vast range of candle-making supplies. Trust in German quality, diversity, and our many years of experience.

With Passion

As a family-owned business, we emphasize personal consultation. Every customer benefits from our attention to detail and passion for candles.

Quick Responses

Your inquiries are important to us. Emails are usually answered within a few hours. Stay always well-informed and supported.

Beginner's Assistance

New to candle-making? Our experts are here to help. Benefit from our experience and receive advice that makes a difference.


Company Holiday Christmas/New Year 2023

Please note that we will be on company holiday from December 23, 2023, to January 1, 2024. Orders received during this period will be processed and shipped as soon as ...

Company vacation 2023

Please note that we have two operating holiday periods this year. Our company is closed from: 29.06.2023 - 07.07.2023 Orders received during this time will be ...

Company vacation between years 2022/2023

Please take note of our company vacation, lasting from the 24.12.2022 to 05.01.2023. Received orders during this time will be processed as of 06.01.2023 and shipped asap. ...

Company vacation 2022

Please take note of our company vacation, lasting from the 01.10.2022 to 09.10.2022. Received orders during this time will be processed as of 10.10.2022 and shipped asap. ...